3 Must Do Steps for Your Medical Office This Spring

Spring Cleaning for Medical Offices

Our Services

Spring Cleaning for Medical Offices

Suns out, birds are chirping, the days are getting longer. You & your staff have been cooped up all winter, so you’re ready to take advantage of warmer days. With an energy of growth & renewal in the air, this time of year is popular for ‘spring cleaning’!

Truth is, tackling a series of cleaning tasks every 3-6 months keeps your medical office running at peak efficiency, improves indoor air quality, fights germs, & reinvigorates employee morale. We’re not talking about the normal disinfecting practices that should be completed daily for a clean & sterile office. Winter is the season when hidden dirt piles up & can eventually lead to allergic reactions. So now is the time you want all of that build up removed, bringing your office back to a ‘clean slate’, which is why we instead call it a ‘Spring Reset’.

Read Below for some DIY tips as well as how you can get a cleaning service in to help :

1. Go through those piles of papers & folders that tend to accumulate during the normal course of business.
We always encourage our clients to start with the obvious when doing a Spring Reset. In your downtime, file away paid insurance bills, patients records, & any other documents you need to keep for the longer term. While you’re at it, brainstorm with your team some new innovative & efficient systems to keep your paperwork organized & tidy between these larger clean-outs.
Once it’s time to toss certain documents, have them shredded & disposed of properly to protect any sensitive information. This will help you declutter the office (another employee morale bonus!) while making it easier to find more relevant files when you need them.

2. Don’t neglect all of the computers in the office!
Get your team on board to remove old files, run software updates, & reconfigure applications to ensure your machines are running at peak efficiency with limited to no down-time.
Since these technological wonders house just as much, if not more, important information that needs to be filed & protected, this is one task that should not be overlooked. Go a step further in protecting your information and office by running a master back-up in case one or more of your hard drives crashes.
Also, take some time to physically clean your computers. Using a computer friendly product, wipe up accumulated dust & clean keyboards & mouses with a disinfectant to remove germs, oil, & dirt. Although your cleaning service should be doing this regularly, when you’re cleaning for health, we believe this kind of task cannot be overdone.

3. Then, call a commercial cleaning service to bring your office back to a ‘clean slate’.
Often a fresh set of eyes sees & takes care of more than someone who is there all the time. These professionals should be specially trained in medical cleaning & should include in their Spring Reset

– Removing cobwebs from hard to get places
– Shining windows inside & out (when possible)
– Disinfecting all touch areas (even walls 4ft & down when you work with kids)
– Scrubbing furniture to remove dirt, grime, stains, & germs
– Cleaning Vents, light fixtures, top surfaces of doors, & other places you would’t normally think twice

about during a routine cleaning
Once the entire office is cleaned & organized, time to take care of your floors. These tasks should be completed on both your carpets & hard surface floors at least 2x/year, depending on how much foot traffic your office receives on a daily basis. A lot of office managers tend to skip this step after the spring, but it’s a must after a harsh winter when a lot of salt, dirt, & grime is coming in on the shoes of patients & staff.

A well executed floor care plan will keep your office from looking dingy & can actually prolong the life of both your carpets & hard surface floors. Not to mention, tackling stains & scratches more often causes you to avoid more expensive repairs & floor care projects down the road. When the clean team comes in to handle your floors, all furniture should be moved to ensure no area is untouched & avoid accumulating further dust, dirt, germs, & grime.
An expert cleaning service will pay attention to these finer details, making sure your office is cleaned for HEALTH this spring. Then, feel confident knowing your patients & staff are safe from germs & allergens while you make great lasting impressions on all who enter your center – both new patients & old